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Supporting Adaptive Ecosystem Based Fisheries Co-Management

Solving an everchanging puzzle

Our harvested fish populations are small components within a much larger and super-complex ecosystem that is subject to constant and unpredictable environmental fluctuations.  Because fisheries are common resources, even the framework for fisheries management is constantly influenced by contrasting, if not contradictory stakeholder preferences – which are influenced by an ever-changing society and a highly dynamic economy.

To help ensure that the region’s fisheries support a strong, sustainable, and resilient Downeast fisheries economy forever, the DFP is working hard to support:

Adaptive Fisheries Management that can rapidly respond to troubling declines in fisheries, new information, and even changing stakeholder preferences.

Ecosystem Based Management that can effectively accommodate environmental change and account for important food web relationships.

Effective Co-Management of the Fishery that incorporates local knowledge and perspectives of fishermen and acknowledges stakeholder concerns to cultivate a strong sense of cooperative resource stewardship by all.


Downeast Institute

DEI provides science-based leadership in helping shellfisheries adapt to a changing marine environment. 

Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries

The Community Fisheries Action Roundtable works to mobilize coastal fishermen by engaging in conversation about why fishing matters, what they want the future to be, and then bringing in skills for fishermen to collaborate with scientists and regulators to co-manage our fisheries.

Contact Downeast Fisheries Partnership